About Us
Technology, Teamwork, Trust
For decades Intelligent Light has been at the forefront of CFD, visualization, high performance computing and data science.
Leadership Team
Dr. Earl P. N. Duque
Senior Vice President of Engineering
Earl Duque oversees and Supervises all software development projects and applied/basic research innovation projects and is a member of our Executive Research Team. He has 30+ years of direct CFD algorithim and workflow research and development and is an Associate Fellow of the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics. Earl specializes in advance CFD analysis and Uncertainty Quantification.
Dave Amels
Product Architect
Dave Amels leads our Data Science and User Experience efforts, collaborating with customers, partners and the Intelligent Light team to bring solutions to market. Over the past 40 years, Dave has built successful companies around innovative products in the signal processing and professional audio space. He is also member of our Executive Management Team.
Dr. Atsushi Toyoda
Senior CFD Engineer
Atsushi Toyoda supports our customers and partners in Japan, from our office in Yokohama. Dr. Toyoda has expertise in high-speed aerospace vehicle analysis, both experimentally and through CFD. He is also a skilled software developer, with experience in porting and instrumenting CFD solver codes on HPC systems such as the supercomputers at JAXA, the JSS2 and now the JSS3 system which is the same architecture as the Fugaku, the current #1 for HPCG on the Top 500. He works in the R&D team, working on projects in Japan, the US and Europe.
A Message From Our President
In my journey as the founder and leader of Intelligent Light, I have had the privilege of meeting some of the pioneers of CFD through our visualization and knowledge-extraction software products. These visionaries freely shared their valuable time, answering my naïve questions and helping me to understand their field and how our tools might help the CFD community. In the late 1980s, United Technologies Research Center used our 3DV software to produce animations of CFD results by converting them into formats that could be rendered and recorded to video tape. Thus began my adventure and a great opportunity for Intelligent Light through our FieldView software, which has helped countless engineers visualize and analyze CFD simulations.
As powerful as the FieldView tool remains under its new owner, FieldView CFD Inc., much innovation remains ahead to fully tap the potential of applying the various formulations of fluid flow models to design and improve so many of the products that we rely on today. Intelligent Light today has moved on to help you and your organization take advantage of the power of HPC, with compressed, efficient workflows and state-of-the-art risk reduction via VV and UQ. We look forward to building on our relationship with the community, built upon Technology, Teamwork and Trust.