Thursday, May 25, 2023 at 4PM Eastern
Attend this webinar to see a new way to accelerate success for CFD simulations on large scale HPC Systems through auditable Digital Threads. Spending on HPC and CFD analysis is going up, but that does not always translate to getting better products to market faster or better products. IntelliTwin® Suite is designed to respond to the crushing demands of business while delivering uncompromising engineering solutions.
Learn how to break the barriers to enable more engineers and designers to utilize large scale HPC. Much more than deploying scripts. See how IntelliTwin™ helps package the most complex HPC workflows for use by those less experienced in the arcane lore of HPC operation, while introducing data management, re-usability and provenance capture.
The IntelliTwin™ Suite provides the capability to efficiently and effectively create and manage auditable Digital Threads based on your simulation workflows.

During the webinar, we will describe the IntelliTwin™ Suite and then focus on specific demo segments via video to illustrate the operation in a CFD scenario, such as creating a drag polar.
IntelliTwin™ Core: Intelligently Managed Workflows, Data, Provenance & Projects
- Simplify locating and re-using workflow setups and data such as meshes through effective Data management on large HPC systems
- Integrate new team members more quickly and easily with workflow automation of “your” work
- Metadata and provenance
Kombyne™: Smarter Simulation Data Faster
- Increase simulation workflow confidence and productivity with consistent smart key simulation data extraction
- Reduce HPC resources and costs by migrating post-processing to automated batch workflows
- Enhance throughput and reliability of HPC simulation
Data Analytics Suite (DAS): Climbing the Mountain of Simulation Data
- Accelerate the path to understanding simulation results for 100’s of conditions
- Evaluate noise source from fluid flow without expensive Acoustics simulations