In Situ Processing and Workflow Innovation at Par CFD

The state of the art in HPC-driven CFD will be explored this May, at Parallel CFD (ParCFD) is Glasgow, Scotland, and Intelligent Light will share news from the front lines of CFD as it is used in production.

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In a plenary session, Steve M. Legensky, Founder and General Manager of Intelligent Light, will present ​A Survey of Production Applications of In Situ Post-Processing to Enable HPC-Scale CFD”, giving real world examples of how our clients are using in situ workflows designed by Intelligent Light to eliminate file transfer bottlenecks, allow increased fidelity and faster turnaround.

A mini symposium “In Situ Processing for Computational Fluid Dynamics Data Analysis and Visualization” will be co-chaired by Dr. Earl Duque, Manager of Applied Research at Intelligent Light, and Dr. E. Wes Bethel, Senior Computer Scientist at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. Speakers include:

  • ​E. Wes Bethel – Lawrence Berkeley National Lab –  “In Situ Methods, Infrastructures, and Applications on HPC Platforms: Knowledge Discovery with Minimal I/O”
  • Seiji Tsutsumi – Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency – “Best practice for in-situ visualization of large-scale data in supercomputer”
  • Brad Whitlock – Intelligent Light – “Recent improvements to VisIt/Libsim”
  • Hadi Salimi – French Institute for Research in Computer Science and Automation  – “Damaris: In Situ Data Analysis and Visualization in Support of Large-Scale CFD Simulations”
  • Dave Pugmire – Oak Ridge National Lab – “In transit visualization of full and reduced simulation data on high performance computing platforms”

If you plan to participate at ParCFD we hope you will take the opportunity to meet with Steve Legensky and Earl Duque at the sessions mentioned above or at our table in the exhibit area. If you are not able to attend but would like to learn about in situ processing and workflow innovation for production CFD, please contact us.

ParCFD is an annual international conference devoted to recent developments in parallel computing and its applications to the field of CFD. The 29th International Conference on Parallel Computational Fluid Dynamics will take place at the University of Strathclyde in Glasgow, Scotland from 15-17 May 2017, at the flagship Technology and Innovation Centre.

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