Winning Visualization at AIAA Aviation

The 3rd Flow Visualization Showcase was held at AIAA Aviation in Dallas this June. The FDTC/MSTC/APA Flow Visualization Event is essentially a video poster session that provides participants an opportunity to showcase their fluid-dynamic visualizations. This year, nineteen participants presented their work.

Image from winning visualization courtesy of Delin (Dale) Jiang, Baylor Universityb2ap3 medium LaminarGasInflow

b2ap3 small VizShowcase15crop


Event organizer Brian R. Smith Lockheed Martin Senior Fellow, Aerodynamics and CFD

Three visualizations were selected for awards.

This year congratulations go to:

Patricia Venturadiaz, NASA Ames, for Most Artistic Flow Visualization

Dale Jiang, Baylor University, for Most Quantitatively Descriptive Flow Visualization

Mehdi Khorrami, NASA Ames, for Most Comprehensive Flow Visualization

Intelligent Light would like to thank all the participants as well as Brian Smith, the organizer of this event. We look forward to continuing our participation next year in support of the flow visualization community.

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